Publication Ethics

We follow all ethical standards for publications to ensure high-quality scientific publications. We follow following steps before publish any manuscript. 

Article Assessment

All manuscripts are subject to peer review process and are expected to meet with our publishing guidelines. If approved by the editor, submissions will be considered by peer reviewers, whose identities will remain anonymous to the authors.

Authors must not use the words, figures, or ideas of others without attribution. All sources must be cited at the point they are used, and reuse of wording must be limited and be attributed or quoted in the text.

We uses Crossref and our own software to detect submissions that overlap with published and submitted manuscripts. Editors can see our Similarity Check page for more information. Manuscripts that are found to have been plagiarized from a manuscript by other authors, whether published or unpublished, will be rejected.

Duplicate Submission and Redundant Publication

Manuscripts submitted to Read & Research Publications must not be submitted elsewhere while under consideration and must be withdrawn before being submitted elsewhere. Authors whose articles are found to have been simultaneously submitted elsewhere may be rejected without any process. 

Authorship and Acknowledgements

All listed authors must have made a significant scientific contribution to the research in the manuscript to approved its claims, and agreed to be an author. Anyone who contributed to the research or manuscript preparation, but is not an author, should be acknowledged with their permission.
Submissions by anyone other than one of the authors will not be considered.

Corrections and Retractions

When errors are identified in published articles, the publisher will consider what action is required and may consult the editors and the authors’ institution(s).
Errors by the authors may be corrected by a corrigendum and errors by the publisher by an erratum.
All authors will be asked to agree to the content of the notice.