Peer review at R&R Publications

All journals are fully peer-reviewed by independent academic editors and reviewers. We only publish articles that have been approved by highly qualified researchers with expertise in a field appropriate for the article.

Upon receiving a manuscript, our publishing team forwards the article to the Editor and he has the option to reject it outright. This may happen if it is not a good fit for the journal or of insufficient quality. Providing the Editor is satisfied, they will initiate the peer review process.

Based on the recommendation made by the editor/reviewers, we follow the following steps.

Publish the Same Manuscript without any changes:  Our publishing team will go through with the submitted manuscript and if found the manuscript match with our high-quality standards then will forward to the editor with their remark. Once the editor will provide satisfactory permission, the author will be notified of the acceptance of their manuscript.

Publish with Minor Changes:  The author will receive feedback and be asked to submit an amended version addressing the reviewers’ concerns. The Editor will check the amended manuscript and ensure the concerns have been addressed. If satisfied, the Editor can accept the manuscript.

Publish with after Major Changes: The author will receive feedback and be asked to submit an amended version addressing the reviewers’ concerns. The amended manuscript will be sent to the original reviewers to be reassessed. The Editor will then make a recommendation and may ask for further amendments.

Rejection: The manuscript is immediately rejected by the editor/reviewers, if not found correct as per our guidelines and will be notified to authors.