Instructions for Authors
Guidelines for Authors for Submission of Manuscripts to Read & Research Publications Journals
Read & Research Publications expect the highest ethical standards & quality from our authors, reviewers, and editors when submitting papers. All articles/journals published by Read & Research Publications are made open access immediately. We don’t charge for submission, processing or publication of manuscripts.
Manuscript Submission
Presently authors can submit their manuscripts directly on Online Submission at our website
By submitting a manuscript, the author agrees to the following:
1. The work is original and free from plagiarism.
2. It has not been submitted for publication/is not under consideration for publication at another journal.
3. All authors are aware of the order of authorship. The submitting author shall be solely responsible in case disputes arise.
4. Once published, copyright of manuscript shall stand transferred to the Journal.
5. Conflict of interest’ if any, must be explicitly stated at the end of the manuscript.
Manuscripts must conform to the instructions given below:
Type the manuscript (using ‘Cambria’ font, size 10) in single space throughout. Please arrange the manuscript as follows: Title page, Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, and References. Number all pages consecutively, beginning with the title page. Figures and Tables must be referred to in the manuscript. Only the Title page should bear the names and addresses of the author(s).
Types Of Manuscript
The following categories of articles are accepted by the Read & Research Publications:
Original Research Article
Original, in-depth clinical research that represents new and significant contributions to medical science. The entire manuscript should not exceed 3000 words, excluding tables and should have a maximum of 50 references. The number of authors should not exceed six, including the corresponding author.
Review Article
These are comprehensive review articles on topics related to various fields of medical science. The entire manuscript should not exceed 7000 words with any more than 50 references and two authors. Please note that usually review articles are by invitation only. But unsolicited review articles will be considered for publication on excellence basis.
Case Report
Briefcase reports of special interest are also welcome. The manuscript should be limited to 1200 words with maximum 2 illustrations and 20 references. The number of authors should not exceed two.
Letter To The Editor
These letters are related to any unsolicited, new information of immense academic interest. A letter must not exceed 500 words. Instead of references, you may incorporate suggested readings.
Book Review
This consists of a critical appraisal of selected books on any subject of medical science, dental, nursing, pharmacy, engineering, and management. Potential authors or publishers may submit books, as well as a list of suggested reviewers, to the editorial office.
Calendar Of Conferences
Information regarding important meetings and courses to be conducted in the future are published in each issue.
Scientific Commentaries
Scientific Commentaries are short pieces relating to an article published in the journal. These are submitted only by commission. References should be limited to 10 or fewer.
Manuscript Preparation
The manuscripts should comply with the following guidelines:
Title page (Page 1) should contain:
Title and keywords for the article along with the running title
• A brief structured abstract of the article (for original articles, review articles and case reports)
Name(s) of the author(s), their academic qualifications and current affiliations
• Name, mailing and e-mail addresses of the corresponding author
•Acknowledgement of financial support, if any.
The title represents the subject matter of the manuscript. The title should be brief and comprehensive. A structured abstract (i.e, an abstract with distinct labeled sections e.g. Introduction, methods, results, discussion; for rapid comprehension) not more than 250 words in length, should be provided with 3-5 keywords. Keywords should be the listed terms in the medical subjects headings (MeSH) of the Index Medicus, to help in easy indexing.
The manuscript should be well organized and written in simple and correct English under appropriate headings. The Introduction should address the subject of the paper. The Methods section should describe in adequate detail the laboratory or study methods followed and state the statistical procedures employed in the research. This section should also identify the ethical guidelines followed by the investigators with regard to the population, patient samples used. The Results section should be concise and include pertinent findings and necessary tables and figures. The Discussion should contain conclusions based on the major findings of the study, a review of the relevant literature, clinical application of the conclusions and future research implications. Following the Discussion, Acknowledgments of important contributors and funding agencies may be given. The editorial office must receive written, signed consent from each contributor recognized in the acknowledgments because the statement can imply endorsement of data and conclusions.
At the end of the article, a list of references should be included. In general, the number of references should not exceed 50 for original articles, 50 for review articles and 20 for case reports. The authors are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the references and their citations in the text.
References should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text. References in text, tables and legends should be identified by superscript Arabic numerals at the end of the sentence outside any punctuation. If several different studies or papers are cited within one sentence, the number should be placed where it will accurately identify the correct study.
The names of authors in the text should concur with the reference list.
References cited only in tables or in legends to figures should be numbered in accordance with a sequence established by the first identification in the text of the particular table or illustration